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Established in July 2002, these are the first centers for Autistic children in North Maharashtra.


Autistic children in the age group 2-6 years are taught the following skills:

Communication skills, Social skills, Self-help skills, Pre-academic skills, Art, craft & music


This center provides training to Autistic children in the age group 7-16 years

In addition to the basic skills taught in Ankur, children are taught Academic skills, Life skills and Pre-vocational skills


Intended for Slow learners, High- functioning Autistic children, Children with mild intellectual impairment, they are provided remedial teaching, Art, Craft, Music & Dance.

They are given support for integration into mainstream schools.

They are given an opportunity to complete their schooling through the National Institute Of Open Schooling (NIOS). Milestone is a registered center for NIOS.


UMANG; An Initiative by Trust Milestone!

Umang is a center developed by Dr. Uma Bacchav and team to help and develop children with Cerebral Palsy and other motor disorders. Umang was started in June 2015 and has been a great helping hand for parents and children who suffer from special conditions. In addition to physiotherapy and occupational therapy, children are provided with training in communication skills, social skills, life skills and basic pre-academic skills.


Latest Learning Center at Milestone

The aim of this center will be training children from the age of 13 to 18 years, with Autism and Intellectual Impairment in Life skills and pre-vocational skills to enable them to lead independent and productive lives as adults.